These multi-layered works begin with drawings created during daily excursions to the Houston Willow Waterhole Greenway to study the land, weather, flora, and fauna.
If my art practice were to be mapped, the compass would be marked with Image/Abstraction/Nature/Technology. It is an enigmatic map filled with interesting combinations and juxtapositions. It is a map for the imagination to play, ponder, and wonder.
Flights over land reveal a world shaped by the forces of wind and water – often carved to reveal intricate patterns in a layered earth. Traffic flows, data streams, communication networks, energy streams combine with branching tree forms of drainage patterns to create a fantastic landscape. Recurrent interests include the landscape, iterative mathematics, ambiguity, physics, facture, figuration, the articulation of space. Questions of medium, content, and craft interweave and interact and provide many points to access and engage with the artwork.
Scroll down for a selection of recent work (11 works in this gallery, each with 3 detail views).
When I am asked about my artwork - be it what it is about or how is it made - my answer now is “It’s Complicated”.
This gallery might take a couple of minutes to fully load - I think you will find it worth the wait!
They all begin with a soft pastel drawing.
I hope you enjoy the show.